Friday, December 27, 2013

Why We Must Give Thanks

Why We Must Give Thanks and Praise the Lord

No matter what we do in life, or what we believe, we must praise the Lord. Whether it is Jehovah, Buddha, Allah, or the Great Spirit, we must give thanks for we are all spiritual beings.

Even atheists recognize this although they won’t admit it. In secret they pray, but will deny it with a dying breath. What a shame.

This is a fact; there are few things that feel better than receiving passionate praise and appreciation from some other person. God adores it as well. He smiles upon us when we express our devotion and thanks to him.

We praise God for who He is and we thank the Heavens for what He's done. A fantastic thing takes place when we provide praise and thanksgiving to God. When we give God delight, our own hearts are full of joy! When we enjoy what God has done for us, and express that delight to God, it brings Him joy and increases our joy.

Most believers accept that praising God and being grateful is good, but some see it as a duty. Some believers only praise God when their circumstances are good and they've got a reason to thank Him. The reality is that praising God isn't a choice. Praise has a potent effect on the follower, the demon, and on God, it is our highest calling. By targeting your issues rather than praising God, you become self -centered and prideful. Praise motivates you to get you interested on God and off your issues.

A few people say they're praying, but they're so concentrated on their issues, they are essentially protesting. If you target the Word of Our Lord to Him, He will be with you.

How does one keep from concentrating on the difficulty when you're suffering discomfort or have no money? The most vital thing you can do is praise God. A negative, griping disposition will not change anything, but praising God will start the evolution in your disposition. 

If you've always been negative, you need to practice thinking on positive things. Many of us have found it extraordinarily tough to operate in faith instead of fear.

Fear comes through carnal information, just as religion and all things that pertain unto life come through spiritual information. Most believers of today are full of the false information that we are evolved from monkeys and that everything is relevant to our situation and circumstance. Try praising the Lord, you will surely be blessed.

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